From Online to Headliner: Social Media as the Training Ground for Broadcast Content

By bobby.t

August 22, 2023

Social Media to Broadcast

Creating content on social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok is more than a hobby; it's the training ground for the big leagues of broadcast content on Netflix, Apple TV, and Amazon Prime.

Just ask Shawn Kanungo, whose journey from social media to broadcast by creating a featured special illustrates this path.

I was attending the launch of Shawn's new special, The Bold Ones, with my boy Daniel, and we had a blast. The night had drinks flowing, great catered food, and it was great to run into so many and meet new faces in the video production and influencer community.

It reminded me that many creators hesitate to envision their social media content as the first step toward major production. But, just like honing a craft, it's about dedication, ambition, and taking those essential reps to achieve bigger dreams.

Paying Your Dues in the Digital Age: How Social Media Builds Skills for the Big Leagues"

Social media content creation is today's version of paying your dues in the entertainment industry. It showcases creativity, storytelling, and global engagement, building the skills necessary to ascend to broadcast-worthy platforms.

More Than Just Posts: Why Social Media Content is a Stepping Stone to Success

Some argue that content on platforms like YouTube or Instagram is insignificant compared to traditional TV or film. They are mistaken. Social media content is the breeding ground for new talent, creativity, and diverse voices, laying the foundation for a future in the big leagues of broadcast content.

5 Ways to Utilize Social Media to Broadcast in the Entertainment Industry

  1. 1
    Building a Portfolio: Start small by creating content that reflects your style and passion. Your social media channels can be a living portfolio, showcasing your growth and attracting larger platforms.
  2. 2
    Engaging with a Global Audience: Use social media to connect with worldwide viewers.
  3. 3
    Experimentation and Innovation: Social media provides a safe space to try new concepts and styles.
  4. 4
    Collaboration and Networking: Collaborate with other creators and industry professionals.
  5. 5
    Monetization and Sponsorships: Start earning revenue through monetization and sponsorships.
Shawn Kanaugo, bobbyt, and Daniel madden in the midst of  red carpet

Photo Credit: Kunal Parmar

Photos Credit: Kunal Parmar

Creativity Unleashed: How Social Media Fosters Innovation and Skill Development

Creating content on social media is a dynamic process that promotes innovation and creativity. It provides a space to experiment and helps develop the skills required for long-form content.

Empowering Creators: Embracing Social Media as the Pathway to Broadcast Success

The concept of creating content on social media as reps ladder up to the big leagues of broadcast content is a paradigm shift in how we understand content creation and career development. From small personal posts to large-scale productions, the path is accessible and filled with opportunities.

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