By bobby.t

June 23, 2020


By bobby.t

June 23, 2020

Twitter is still a very relevant and compelling platform in 2020, which should be apart of anyone's content strategy.

Last week Twitter announced a new feature that they are testing on accounts to allow people to add audio bites to their tweets. This feature will allow for people to potentially provide more context and depth into their limited 280 characters.

Since I started podcasting, I have enjoyed sharing audio bites with my following. I am looking forward to using Audio Twitter when this feature becomes available.

New Instagram Rooms Series: Making it Work

A few weeks ago, I started a video series on Instagram live called making it work. I wanted to have conversations and discussions with people around me about how they were solving their problems and challenges. At the time, I do not understand the concept of my program that I wanted to do; however, I knew I was interested in just experimenting and learning by doing.

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From Online to Headliner: Social Media as the Training Ground for Broadcast Content

I was attending the launch of Shawn’s new special, The Bold Ones, with my boy Daniel, and we had a blast. The night had drinks flowing, great catered food, and it was great to run into so many and meet new faces in the video production and influencer community. It reminded me that many creators hesitate to envision their social media content as the first step toward major production. But, just like honing a craft, it’s about dedication, ambition, and taking those essential reps to achieve bigger dreams.

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